Monday 18 August 2014

Employers' Association proposals are a threat to social model - Żminijietna

Żminijietna - Voice of the Left said that the proposals by the Malta Employers' Association with respect to Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA), sick leave entitlements and similar measures are a threat to the social model in existence in Malta.

"Throughout the years Malta's working class achieved various rights which have contributed to Malta's social model. Though there is much to be done to improve this model, the Maltese Government should refuse the regressive proposals by the Malta Employers' Association, which want Malta to adopt proposals which will only increase inequality, precariousness and hardship on workers".

"Basic social rights such as sick leave should not be subject to authoritarian policing of workers. The COLA mechanism was a historic compromise which, if anything should be improved to guarantee a better standard of living to workers. The COLA mechanism was one reason amongst others why Malta is not experiencing a meltdown of workers' conditions as is the case elsewhere in Southern Europe".

"Żminijietna - Voice of the Left endorses the position of GWU on this issue, and we welcome the statement by the Minister of Finance Edward Scicluna that confirms that reform in COLA requires MCESD approval. We also reiterate our proposals for an increase in the minimum wage, a more progressive tax system as stronger measures against tax evasion. These will help ensure more sustainable public finance, a better quality of life for workers, and increased purchasing power within the economy".

Press Release 13/8/14

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