Żminijietna - Voice of the Left said that “Malta's new Agro-Tourism policies could have given more importance to sustainability”.
"Sustainable development requires holistic policies which have long-term standing. In this regard, instead of giving more leeway for development in ODZ areas, it would have been better if the approved policy would have given more focus on rehabilitation of existing buildings and areas, and by giving priority to sustainable projects such as those which focus on permaculture, organic methods, renewable energy, efficient energy use, and similar initiatives".
Press Release 28/9/14
Monday, 29 September 2014
Monday, 22 September 2014
Malta to be represented in Day of Action against TTIP
Europe - Front Against TTIP (Malta) has joined the global call of action on the
TTIP which will take place on 11 October.
society, trade unions, farmers and grassroots activist groups from all over
Europe will be participating against TTIP and to promote alternative trade
policies, which put peoples' rights, democracy and the environment first.
(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and CETA (Comprehensive
Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and EU) are the most prominent
examples of how trade and investment policies are being negotiated
undemocratically and in the sole interest of large corporations. Negotiations
are being undertaken in secrecy, with very little information available for
public scrutiny, while allowing corporate lobbies increasing influence over
them. This will have a negative effect on workers' rights, environmental
protection, food safety and other areas".
taking part in this initiative include, amongst others, Corporate Europe
Observatory, World Development Movement, ATTAC, Seattle to Brussels Network,
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and Fairwatch.
Europe - Front Against TTIP (Malta) comprises: Żminijietna - Voice of the Left;
Anti-Poverty Alliance; Moviment Graffitti; Association of Federative
Socialists; GWU Youth, ADZ – Green Youths; Friends of the Earth Malta; Partit
Komunista Malti; Garden of Knowledge (Malta).
Front is inviting other organisations and interested individuals to join the
call of action. Contact:
Front's Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FrontAgainstTTIPMalta/
Friday, 12 September 2014
Poverty and Social Inequality should be tackled in upcoming Budget - Żminijietna
Żminijietna – Voice of the Left appealed to the Government to tackle poverty
and social inequality in the upcoming budget by strengthening social measures
and moving away from neo-liberal policy which increases inequality.
“Official statistics show that Malta is experiencing increased economic growth, but is also increasing an increase in number of people at risk-of-poverty. Hence, an improved economic situation does not necessarily translate in more social equality”.
“We therefore urge the Government to increase measures that tackle poverty, inequality and precariousness. These include an increase in the minimum wage; progressive legislation against precarious employment; and upward revisions in social benefits which reflect the current cost of living”.
“We agree with active policies which encourage people to seek employment, but these should not be at the expense of universal welfare benefits, which often protect people from falling into poverty”.
“We also appeal to the Government to keep investing in progressive measures such as universally accessible childcare services, pre and after school services for children, lifelong training programmes, and more affordable prices for energy use”.
“As regards fiscal policy, we appeal to the Government to discontinue the move towards income tax reductions for higher income earners, as this can have an impact on the financial sustainability of public finance. We also expect the Government to announce policies which ensure that all pensioners have a decent income”.
"Government should also avoid discourse against foreign workers and against welfare dependency. On the other hand we welcome discourse in favour of more integration and equality".
“Official statistics show that Malta is experiencing increased economic growth, but is also increasing an increase in number of people at risk-of-poverty. Hence, an improved economic situation does not necessarily translate in more social equality”.
“We therefore urge the Government to increase measures that tackle poverty, inequality and precariousness. These include an increase in the minimum wage; progressive legislation against precarious employment; and upward revisions in social benefits which reflect the current cost of living”.
“We agree with active policies which encourage people to seek employment, but these should not be at the expense of universal welfare benefits, which often protect people from falling into poverty”.
“We also appeal to the Government to keep investing in progressive measures such as universally accessible childcare services, pre and after school services for children, lifelong training programmes, and more affordable prices for energy use”.
“As regards fiscal policy, we appeal to the Government to discontinue the move towards income tax reductions for higher income earners, as this can have an impact on the financial sustainability of public finance. We also expect the Government to announce policies which ensure that all pensioners have a decent income”.
"Government should also avoid discourse against foreign workers and against welfare dependency. On the other hand we welcome discourse in favour of more integration and equality".
Press Release: 10/9/14
Trade Union Council is required: Zminijietna
“The establishment of the National Forum of Trade Unions should lead to the formation of a Trade Union Council. By this, Trade Unions will be in a better position to confront precariousness, low wages and exploitation”, stated Żminijietna – Voice of the Left.
“Trade Unions should put pressure on the Government to introduce law against precarious jobs. International Labour studies show that part-time job without worker’s consent, jobs on a defenite contract, and temporary agency workers are all calssified as precarious jobs. These workers experience low wages, lack of security, exploitation and inferior conditions of work”.
Żminijietna welcomes the common position taken by the Trade Unions against MEA’s proposal to amend the Employment and Industrial Relations Act.
Press Release 25/8/14
Sejha ghall-artikli - Zminijietna
Żminijietna qed tilqa' artikli għall-ħarġa li jmiss (Ottubru - Diċembru 2014),
bil-Malti jew bl-Ingliz. L-artikli għandhom ikunu kemm jista' jkun konċiżi
(l-iktar 700 kelma), analitiċi u jistgħu jittrattaw temi varji fl-oqsma
politiċi, ekonomiċi, soċjali, kulturali, edukattivi, ambjentali ecc..
għandhom jintbagħtu lill-Editur Richard Mifsud fuq l-email
zminijietna@yahoo.com sa mhux iktar tard mit-23 ta' Settembru 2014
person: David Pisani (7953 6914)
Tista tabbona fil-gazzetta Zminijietna ghal sena billi tibghat 5euro cekk
lis-Segretarju Zminijietna, P.O Box 35 Sliema. SLM1000 jew Bov Acc 40013290155
Tonight: The Torch of Utopia - Remembering the Other 11 September
Friday 12 of September, 6:30pm
Organised by Garden of Knowledge
Europe House: 254 St Paul Street- Valletta
Attendees are to present ID card due to standard procedure at Europe House.Zminijietna Voice of the Left is supporting this event
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