Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Women's Day

On International Women’s Day, Żminijietna - Voice of the Left said "that there had been very important developments in addressing gender equality in Maltese society, and in getting more women in the labour market. An end to gender inequality is important in achieving the well being of all people. It also goes in line with the EU Strategic for 2020 -2025 for Equality between Women and Men”.
“The way forward now is that of strengthening these initiatives by reducing by 5 % the gender pay gap, and reducing by 10 % the gender pension pay gap, along by increasing best practices in child care, the care for dependent persons and the elderly. Another important aspect is increasing more visibility and participation for women with disabilities in the labour market”. 

“Even amidst this progress, violence against women still prevails, the most vulnerable being women with disabilities, the elderly and migrant women fleeing from conflicts. Żminijietna encourages the Government to establish monitoring mechanisms to reduce all forms of violence against women and by adopting legislations which help to address prostitution, combat human trafficking and sexual exploitation”.      

Press Release 8/3/16

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