Sunday, 14 June 2015

Żminijietna supports the introduction of a Public Domain Bill/Żminijietna tappoġġja l-introduzzjoni ta’ liġi li tħares żoni u postijiet pubbliċi

Press Release: Żminijietna supports the introduction of a Public Domain Bill.

Żminijietna – Voice of the Left welcomes the proposal brought forward by the Nationalist Party for the introduction in Malta’s Law of a Public Domain Bill.

Żminijietna said that “such proposal, if backed by Parliament, will toughen protection of sites of natural and historical importance against speculation, inappropriate use and neglect”.

“The aim of this proposal should be to strengthen protection, transparency and sustainability in the use of public building and land. A more open public consultation with different sectors of society and the public in general should be the core of this proposal”.