Saturday, 23 May 2015

Zminijietna calls for decent working conditions/Żminijietna tappella għall-kundizzjonijiet diċenti tax-xogħol

Press Release: Zminijietna calls for decent working conditions

“Reforms in Malta Public Transport and Malta International Airport should not lead to precarious conditions and reduction in wages.  Lowering of payment/hourly rate for services carried out by part-time loaders at Air Malta is condemnable. These workers are already experiencing job insecurity and stress”, stated Żminijietna – Voice of the Left.

“With regards to Public Transport, Żminijietna urges Malta Transport Authority to make sure that all public transport workers are paid a decent wage. The service should not be operated by workers with inferior working conditions. Żminijietna also calls upon the workers to stop this non-sense behaviour and work towards solidarity.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

New University welcomed, but alternative site required/Universita ġdida mfaħħra, imma teħtieġ sit alternattiv

Zminijietna Voice of the Left welcomed the agreement between the Government of Malta and Jordanian investor for the setting up of a branch of the American De Paul University in Malta, but appealed for another site to be found for the development.

"The setting up of the De Paul University is a welcome investment which can have a positive economic and educational contribution. It can also provide new opportunities for students and workers in the field. We support the proposal to have Malta act as an educational hub".

"On the other hand we appeal to the Government to consider other sites for the development of the University, preferably not in an ODZ area. This requires comprehensive and holistic studies and impact assessments which take into consideration educational, economic, social, environmental, traffic and architectural concerns, amongst others".

Saturday, 9 May 2015

The Problem of Precariousness should be a National Concern

Żminijietna – Voice of the Left states that Worker’s Day should be the day against precariousness. Many workers in Malta are employed under inferior work conditions, low wages, lack of training and job security.
The leftist organisation Żminijietna deems positive the Government’s efforts to address precariousness, but it insists for the introduction of a legislation that defines precariouness.
In fact Żminijietna disagrees with the Malta Employers Association defenition of precarious jobs that focus more on the abuse, rather than the quality of employment.  
“It is of concern the number of mostly foreign workers who are being employed under the temprarily agency worker scheme. These workers are facing disriminatory conditions with relation to wages, inferior conditions of work, and precariousness due to the fact that if they complain they end up being sent back home, without any rights”.  
Therefore, Żminijietna – Voice of the Left appeals to the Government to address precariousness in a serious way. Till now it seems that there is a lack of will. Many workers in the cleaning, security, care and domestic sectors are still being employed under precarious job contracts and conditions.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Żminijietna calls for decent jobs.

English/ Maltese Version.

Press Release: Żminijietna calls for decent jobs.

Żminijietna – Voice of the Left welcomes the decision taken by the government to initiate talks with Panta Lesco Group following the possibility that it would be laying-off about 70 workers. 

“The Government, together with union representatives should ensure that these workers find alternative employment with decent conditions of work and that re-training is provided if required. Decent Work is a globally accepted goal and an instrument for improving the lives of people”.

“With regards to their families and the financial situation, the government should ensure that these workers are given all the support if necessary and that the employer respects it's full obligations with respect to redundancy rights”.